Senin, 07 November 2016

6 Factors Determining It At Birth Weight Babies

6 Factors Determining It At Birth Weight Babies
Babies who are well developed will have an ideal body weight, whereas infants with poor development and lack or excess body weight, will be a signal problem.
Just like adults, newborns have a healthy body weight range. In babies born on schedule (between 37-40 weeks) usually weighs between 2.5 kg to 4 kg.
There are several things that can affect the size of the babies when they are born. One of the most important is the length of pregnancy. Babies born exactly at the scheduled date, or more, will generally larger in size than babies born earlier than scheduled. And premature infants, usually smaller than babies born at term.
Generally, if a newborn has a weight lighter or heavier than normal weight range, they will get extra attention from the doctor after dilahirkam to ensure there are no problems on the health of the body.
In addition to a range of pregnancy, there are other factors that can also affect the size of your baby, the following determinants of infant weight at birth:

The size of the parent body
Parents who are high will have the baby with high longer than other babies. Short and parents who may be going to have a baby that is smaller than other babies.

gave birth to twins
If you are having twins two, three, or so, then you will have a baby with a relatively smaller size. Not only must share space develops in the womb, twins are also usually born early, and this condition will trigger the birth of a baby with a small weight.

birth order
The first child usually has a size smaller than her sisters later.

Baby girls are generally smaller than male babies.

Women's health during pregnancy
There are factors that can encourage low body weight infants at birth, such as maternal high blood pressure, heart problems, or smoking, drinking alcohol, or illicit drugs during pregnancy. If the mother suffering from diabetes, the weight baby to be born is also usually larger.

Nutritional intake during pregnancy
Getting the proper nutrition is very important in supporting the development of babies in the womb during and afterwards. Poor diet during pregnancy has a direct impact on child weight at birth and how they will evolve in the future.
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